COVID-19 Update

Dear valued customers:

We hope this letter find you well!

The past few months has definitely been the darker times for the most of us. As the pandemic swept through the globe, millions of people were infected, hundreds of thousands families torn apart losing their loved ones.

And as lockdowns being enforced in more and more countries, companies, factories and stores are forced to close in the effort to stop the spread. This hit everyone hard, among them the Fashion and Apparel industry.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

Martin Luther King Jr

The great news here is that more and more countries are regaining control from the virus and having the markets reopened.

With the spirit of transparency and cooperation, we compiled this list of FAQs to help you better understand our position and policies to keep our staff safe and help our customers’ recovery during these troubled times.

What are you doing to ensure the safety of your staff?

From the very beginning of the outbreak, Aosheng Garment took decisive actions to protect our staff.

1) Education and Training: With the help from local health agencies and advisers, our staff is educated and trained extensively on how COVID-19 spreads and how to protect themselves.

2) Stagger Working Hours: This reduced possible congregation of employees at common places such as entrances/exits/dining halls.

3) Enhanced Shift: We split our work force to 4 shifts a day, this significantly increased distances between each worker on different workstations.

4) PPEs: We made a large purchase of masks/gloves and sanitizers and hand them out free for your employees each day. We also worked with local health advisers to train our staff to use these personal protective equipment properly.

5) Temperature Scanning: We employed temperature scanning at all entrances of our facilities to ensure that our employees are healthy and our working environment is safe.

What are you doing to ensure the safety of your customers and their customers?

1) We postponed all visiting/meetings with our customers, replacing them with emails, phone calls and video conferences.

2) Safer environment, safer products. By enhancing the safety standards of our working environment and our staff, we believed our products will be safer too.

3) We improved upon our extensive cleaning process to ensure that our products meet with the highest cleaning standards.

Are you running at full capacity?

Short answer: close enough!

Since the virus situation is very well controlled here in Guangdong, all our departments are running close to normal:

1) Our sales team is working as normal. They forsaw the trending of home-working loungewears/activewears in March and worked closely with the S&D team to develop dozens of new styles for our new and old customers.

2) Our source and development team is working close to normal. They expect some delays with certain accessories/fabrics/yarns while the Zhongda Fabric Market is still recovering from the impact, but most of the times they don’t have any issues.

In March/April they successfully designed and launched more than 80 new samples of loungewears and activewears which translated well into sales by our customers.

3) Our factory is running as normal. While they are not running at full capacity currently, we expect lots of orders coming in very soon as the markets in Australia and New Zealand recovers. We expect and pray that more countries will have their situation controlled and their market reopen very soon.

What are you doing to help your customers recover faster and better?

We issued an order for all departments to work closely and help our customers:

1) For the sales team, they are ordered to watch the market closely for trends and work closer with our customers, understand their needs, better communicate and fully cooperate with them.

2) For the source and development team:

We asked them to closely work with the sales team to source materials and produce samples accurately and quickly for our customers and partners.

They are also to watch the market for the latest trends and design styles that suite our customers.

3) For our work force, they should remain vigilant for the virus and abide by our strict safety guidelines.

The management team will also strive to improve their work scheduling, efficiency and speed to help our customers regain and control their market share.

Thank you! We wish that you keep safe and stay strong during these troubled times, please take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

Eric Chen
Director at Aosheng Garment